Archive for the ‘Applications’ Category

MSN contact do not display on Pidgin Fix

Posted: 14th March 2011 by admin in Applications
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This happened to me a few weeks ago, when I tried to add some new contacts, I made the following steps:

1) I made a friend request.

2) they instead of accepting made a friend request also.

3) the result is that we both look off line 🙁

Looks like the problem is that MSN did not recognized Pidgin invite and since MSN sent a request it hangs on receiving the answer, so the only thing that I can recommend on this scenario is to confirm with your contact that they sent the request and make another request from Pidgin, once they accept the second invite you will be able to see each other.

here is th info that worked for me on this scenario, this only works for POP and it downloads only the inbox.

1) set POP server to: and use the default port (995)

2) on usernameputit just like you where using Hotmail web site ([email protected], [email protected], etc.)

3) use SSL under secure connection.

4) use “Normal password” under Authentication method.

Done, this should do the trick, if you have any questions please leave a comment.

I was installing MS SQL Server when I get with that message, unfortunately the MS site( was no help so after two hours of searching finally found that the problem was on one forum so I followed this steps:

1) first of all compile the following code using Visual Studio and run it:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Globalization;

namespace ConsoleApplication1
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string str2 = string.Format(“{0,3}”, CultureInfo.InstalledUICulture.Parent.LCID.ToString(“X”)).Replace(” “, “0”);

This will give you a value… it was 00A on my computer

This issue is due has two possible causes, the first one in which the certificate may be expired, to fix this:

1) go to Tools->Certificates

2) delete the omega certificate

Try to log in again, if the problem persists is likely MSN is down on you region, so there is nothing more to do unless login in through a Web Based MSN service.